Process Supervisor
(c)2003 Bitsum Technologies,
Authored by Jeremy Collake

Topic: Command Line Arguments

Command Line Arguments for ProcessSupervisor.exe
Switch Description Examples
/Tray Causes the main window to not be immediately displayed. ProcessSupervisor.exe /tray
/ConfigFile= Indicates the configuration file that should be used.
ProcessSupervisor.exe /ConfigFile="c:\program files\processsupervisor\myconfig.ini"
ProcessSupervisor.exe /ConfigFile=c:\config\psconfig.ini
ProcessSupervisor.exe /ConfigFile=\\server1\configfiles\prosuper.ini
/LogFolder= Indicates the folder containing the log files. This folder requires read and write access.
ProcessSupervisor.exe /LogFolder=\\server1\logfolder
ProcessSupervisor.exe /LogFolder=c:\pslogs

Command Line Arguments for ProcessGovernor.exe
Switch Description Examples
/ConfigFile= Indicates the configuration file that should be used. ProcessGovernor.exe /ConfigFile="c:\program files\processsupervisor\myconfig.ini"
ProcessGovernor.exe /ConfigFile=c:\config\psconfig.ini
ProcessGovernor.exe /ConfigFile=\\server1\configfiles\prosuper.ini
/LogFolder= Indicates the folder containing the log files. This folder requires read and write access.
ProcessGovernor.exe /LogFolder=\\server1\logfolder
ProcessGovernor.exe /LogFolder=c:\pslogs

Command Line Arguments for InstallProcessMonitor.exe
Switch Description Examples
/Remove Indicates that the ProcessGovernor.exe application should be deregistered as a service and/or removed from the run at login registry key. ProcessSupervisor.exe is also removed from the run at login registry key. This is invoked automatically by the product uninstaller. InstallProcessMonitor.exe /remove
/Installs Invokes the installation procedures normally run by the installer. You should just re-invoke the installer instead of using this option. It is recommended to re-invoke the setup application instead.